The SexTherapy by Mark Anthony
"Good morning Sandra. How are we today?"
Doctor Lara Richardson entered the confines of the padded room, and smiled
at the woman sitting across the small table. She was tied loosely to the
chair with light restraints, more as a matter of precaution than anything
else. Her gaze was vacant and lost, but Dr. Richardson's seemed hopeful,
as if she were expecting something. She quickly sat on the chair facing
the table and opened the folder she had been carrying with her. She sifted
through Sandra's dossier, and laid out several pages on the table. Then
she reached into the pocket of her white overcoat and took out a pen and a
long cylindrical object, presumably a miniature flashlight. The patient
barely acknowledge her presence. "Well, Sandra. I've been studying your
case for some time. I understand that you've been through a lot, and don't
really want to be here. I can sympathize, but I must also tell you that I
alone was responsible for bringing you here. We could take care of you
privately, in my own clinic, with a minimum of fuss. It's important for me
to be honest with you." She took notice of her patient's expression of
frustration, no doubt a result of the lack of recent memories leading to
her arrival here. Nevertheless, she decided to be as open as she could.
"I'm very enthusiastic about several new techniques I've developed, and I
can assure you that you will soon be back on your feet, as autonomous and
eager to be a part of society as you were before you came here." "I...
don't... belong here." Sandra managed. She was still under the influence
of the tranquilizer used to facilitate her transfer here. "Yes. Well,
we'll have to work on that. You have to accept yourself as you are before
you are discharged Sandra. It's a vital part of your treatment. Do you
know why you are here?" Sandra moaned, shaking her head left to right. Dr.
Richardson nodded somberly, noting how the patient had suppressed her
emotions. "It's alright. I can tell you. You are here because you were
unable to reconcile your innermost drives with the social pressures and
expectations around you." Sandra looked up, even more confused than before.
"What... pressures?" Dr. Richardson paused for a moment, wondering if it
was wise to bring up the subject this early in the therapy. She opted for
an early confrontation, since the subject had brought it up. "Your
feelings towards other women, of course. The impact it would have on your
life. The fact that you had secretly lusted after women for so long,
forcing your subconscious to constantly play out scenarios that your
conscious self would not acknowledge..." The confusion was suddenly
replaced by genuine denial, Sandra shaking her head negatively. "That...
can't be! I've never..." Frustrated by her lack of coordination, unable to
clearly articulate, Sandra began to struggle in her chair. The patient's
mind was coming out of it's dulled state. Rejection was expected.
"Sandra, listen to me. I know this is a difficult time. We will work
together on this. I'll help you get in touch with those feelings, and you
won't live a self-imposed lie anymore." It was important to stress the fact
that she was here to help, so the trusting relationship between
patient-doctor could be established. Sandra continued to struggle with her
bonds, confused and angry. Lara chose to see this as a hopeful sign,
having at least confronted the reason for the patient's residence here.
She scribbled a few notes on paper while her patient tried to get off the
chair, and then called out to her as she picked up the miniature
flashlight. When she had Sandra's attention, she lifted the device, pointed
it towards her, and activated it. Lara saw the reflection of a red light
pulsating in Sandra's eyes, and her patient ceased her futile struggle,
relaxing at once. Lara smiled to herself, noting the woman's satisfactory
responses to the hypnotic suggestions implanted earlier. Then she shut off
the light, and spoke in a soft tone. "Now Sandra, I want you to tell me
about the fantasies you've been having." The patient, totally subjugated by
the stroboscopic flashes that had instantly put her under a hypnotized
state, responded with an even softer, calmer voice. "What... fantasies?"
"You don't have to worry, Sandra" Lara reassured her, "Your subconscious
self has resurfaced. You need not be afraid. You can speak honestly and
openly, without fear or shame. I want you to confide in me. Tell me of
your girlfriends. Of the women you work with. Of how you yearn to touch
them. To caress their skin. To let them ravish you..." Sandra empty eyes
blinked momentarily, as if confusion had seeped deep inside her mind.
"Tell me, Sandra," Lara prompted, speaking gently, trying to sound as sweet
and affectionate as possible, "Tell me what it would feel like to touch
them, to feel them rubbing, naked against your skin, to kiss them, to feel
their soft lips against your own, to feel their hot tongues licking your
body... tell me what you think it would feel like..." Sandra's breathing
quickened. Lara smiled as her suggestions began to have the desired
effect. In this peculiar state, any number of experiences (real or imagined
to the subject) could be lived or re-lived. Presently, the woman sitting
before Lara was shifting in her chair, her hospital gown becoming drenched
in her sweat, her nipples hardening, her knees parting instinctively, her
breath now coming out in rasping moans. "Not supposed to... not sure why
I'm..." "*Shhhh*, Sandra. Focus on the experience. Look at how erotic the
sight of you and another woman can be. Feel you consciousness leave your
body, Sandra. Look down as you see yourself in the arms of a woman. See
how she kisses you, with a passion unmatched by any man in you have ever
met. See her hand, feel it as she is stroking you between the legs, gently
parting your lips, slowly pushing a finger inside your wet cunt..." Sandra
began to moan. Her barriers crumbled as Lara became more explicit in her
descriptions. The patient's mind was unable to resist the suggestions,
incapable of not reacting to the stimuli. Lara's voice, always soothing,
always leading her in the right direction, telling her how to feel, telling
her it was alright to experience such pleasures with another woman... "You
can feel it now, Sandra, building up inside you. You can't hold on much
longer. She's caressing your clit, holding you near as her fingers work
magic on your sweet little pussy. You've never felt anything like it...
you're completely consumed by the love of this strange woman, looking into
your eyes with longing passion... her fingers are moving faster... you're
almost there now... you can feel it ... slowly... slowly..." The orgasm
was intense. Sandra moaned loudly, shaking against the restraints. She
was in the throes of delicious and forbidden agony, her mind consumed by an
image of taboo lust. She felt her body quiver, wave after wave of pleasure
crashing into her, and then she grew limp, what little consciousness that
remained fleeing out of her body. Lara sat before her, a satisfied look on
her face. She jotted down her conclusions in the session report: *Subject
responding wonderfully to implanted suggestions. Subconscious properly
stimulated. Sexual responses beyond expected norms. Standard conditioning
can now begin.* #### Lara came in for the daily sessions at 10 o'clock
every morning. During the third night spent in the institute, Sandra had
been put in heavy restraints, following an episode during the night in
which she had demonstrated violent and angry behavior. Not altogether
unexpected. Sandra was lying down on her bed, strapped down and unable to
move. "Good morning Sandra. I'm sorry we'll have to conduct the session
like this. I normally prefer to talk to my patients face to face, openly.
But since your actions during the night necessitated..." "Necessitated?!!
What am I doing here?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!" Sandra struggled, but
could not escape the bonds that kept her tied to the hospital bed. Lara
took a chair and sat next to her, taking the time to cross her legs. She
smiled warmly at her patient. "Please," urged Dr. Richardson, "screaming
will not help." "The hell it won't!! I'm being held here against my will!
You're performing experiments..." her voice trailed off, unable to finish.
*She won't admit to what I've done to her-that would mean confronting the
therapy sessionconfronting the physical pleasure she has felt*. Lara
mused, smiling. *Good.* "Yes, let's talk about yesterday's session. Under
a suggestive state, you achieved..." "You... YOU DRUGGED ME!!" the young
woman screamed. " achieved," Lara continued "sexual climax through
the contemplation of erotic lesbian imagery. Specifically, imagery that
was buried in your subconscious." Sandra stopped struggling suddenly, as if
Lara's suggestion had taken the fight out of her. To the psychiatrist's
trained eye, she saw momentary confusion, which was soon replaced by fury.
"Bullshit! You're the bitch whose messing with my head! You put those
images there!" The doctor's smile was thin, with a trace of arrogance.
"Me? I will have you know that even if I did, your reaction to them was
quite exceptional. Your climax was long, and each time resulted in loss of
consciousness." She paused, her hand caressing her knee in suggestive
fashion. "No matter my opinion or sexual orientation, you must admit this
is rather interesting, don't you think?" Predictably, the subject exploded
in sobs. "I was drugged! I don't know what happened! I'm not a
lesbian-please stop doing this to me! Let me go!!" For a moment, Dr.
Richardson's heart tightened in the face of her patient's distress, but she
concentrated on the objective. Though Sandra was fearful (or even hostile)
in the face of Lara's therapy, the doctor was convinced it was for the
best-Sandra herself would soon thank her for it. A quick injection in
Sandra's arm went unnoticed as she was racked by hysterical weeping. Soon,
she lay asleep. Lara caressed her lovingly, her hand resting softly on the
girl's forehead before fondling her breasts through the patient gown she
wore. "Don't worry my little Sandra" she promised. "I'll make sure you're
alright." She logged into her report: *Subject has difficulties coming to
terms with sexual fantasies-holds a lot of repressed anger and rage.
Feelings of depression brought about by confrontation of these feelings
during sessions, despite success in sexual response treatments.* #### The
next phase of treatment involved a rather technical approach. Dr.
Richardson was eager to begin, since a lot of Sandra's progress would
depend on it. Many of the various steps had been developed by Richardson
herself, notably the stroboscopic sequences that would alter Sandra's
behavior. In addition, she had engineered a breakthrough involving
stimulation of certain parts of the brain and injections of solutions that
worked in connection with electrical current to achieve a desired
condition. The first week saw an intensive number of scheduled stroboscopic
behavior modification sessions (SBMS). Lara was able to note some
progress, as she tapped in Sandra's unconscious. The young woman was
responding to treatment with surprising speed. Within a number of
sessions, Lara was able to note that her patient would respond unknowingly
to sexual stimuli of a lesbian nature. Proportionally, her socially
imposed interest on men declined. By the end of the first week of SBMS,
Lara noticed Sandra blushing momentarily whenever she paid the girl a
compliment. The body was responding properly, but it was a far cry from
conscious realization. Now onto the mind. #### "It's me Sandra. Do you
recognize my voice?" A slight pause. "Yes." The girl was in a hypnotized
state again. Lara had placed various tiny electrodes upon the patient's
forehead. With the combination of an induced hypnotic state, an injection
of chemicals designed to alter various reactions deep inside the brain and
direct electrical stimulation, the doctor had undertaken the final stages
of behavior modification. She tried to ignore her own deep sense of
arousal-it was easy for her to feel for her patients, whom she helped to
cope with feelings that ultimately mirrored her own. Sandra would soon
understand, and both would be free to enjoy unrestrained sexual passion...
*No... not yet. Keep your mind on the business at hand. * She stood next
to her subject, who sat rigidly upright on a chair, her vacant eyes wide
open, totally unaware of the world around her. Except for the soft voice
of Dr. Richardson, which she had grown to trust. "Sandra, I'm here now. I
want to talk to you about your therapy. I'm pleased with your progress so
far. I know your subconscious now fully accepts the truth of your sexual
orientation." Sandra shifted in her seat, her expression becoming lustful.
The mere suggestion of her newfound lesbian proclivities was sufficient to
arouse her. "Now we have to work on your conscious self." Continued Dr.
Richardson ever so softly. "The two must not be in conflict." Sandra was
moaning now, squirming on her chair, her panties becoming moist. Lara
could smell the strong odor of her patient's lubrications, and smiled. She
got up, and walked slowly over to the woman, whose eyes blinked to life and
settled upon her. "I've given this a lot of though, Sandra, and I think
the best approach would be for you to experience sexual intercourse with
another woman in order to help your body make the transition from a forced
heterosexual mindset to full acceptance of lesbian love." Sandra was
mesmerized by the voice of her doctor, by the woman's body coming ever
closer. The electrodes were sending current directly into her brain,
adjusting her mental responses and altering her thought patterns. As if
commanded by her beloved doctor, her hand naturally went to her pussy, and
she began to rub her fingers over the hospital gown and through her
panties, the touch sending delightful waves of pleasure in her body. Lara
smiled. "Good, my dear. Now we can begin the session proper." She paused
momentarily, as her hands rose to unbutton her uniform, and continued.
"I'll serve as surrogate subject for the experiment. I've had a lot of
experience in this kind of encounter, so don't worry. I want you to feel
very at ease." Her hands parted the folds of her dress, revealing her naked
bosom. Despite Sandra's hypnotic trance, her eyes grew wide at the sight
of the two beautiful milky-white orbs. The top of the dress fell to the
floor and Sandra's breath became shallow as her gaze came upon the soft
nipples. Still sitting in her chair, her hand began rubbing faster through
the thin fabric of her gown, her pussy burning with desire. The mere sight
of her beloved doctor's naked breasts was enough to captivate her and
channel her emerging lesbian libido. Sara licked her lips as Lara came
closer, lecturing matter-of-factly. "It has been postulated that the
inborn desires and lesbian proclivities of women are deeply rooted in the
female psyche-and find a first outlet in the joys of breastfeeding. The
female child is nurtured by her mother, who can experience a state of
arousal from the sensations of her child's lips gently suckling on her
nipple." Lara put her hand behind Sandra's head and gently pulled her to
her breast. The young woman, totally mesmerized, responded eagerly, and
her tongue gently came out of her mouth, brushing against the nipple of her
lovely doctor. "Ohhhh. Yes... very good Sandra. I see you're responding
quite well to the therapy." The woman barely heard the comment, totally
immersed in the strange, erotic act she was performing upon her master.
She used the tip of her tongue to tease the nipple, feeling it grow hard
between her lips. A part of her, a drowning voice deep in the recesses of
her mind, seemed alarmed by all this. But her beautiful doctor knew what
was wrong with her... was helping her come to terms with the feelings
inside her. Negative responses, denials, frustration and fear vanished as
imperceptible currents of electricity danced inside her brain, destroying
established neural pathways while strange substances stimulated the growth
of new ones. Everything Lara said was true... everything she felt *was*
true... and she wanted to make love to Lara more than anything else in the
world. Lara's breathing quickened. She gently guided her pupil's mouth to
her other breast, smiling in blissful contentment, knowing that her
patient's enthusiasm would only grow as her current behavior became an
integral part of her sexual being. Sandra suckled at her breast, immersed
in the sensations, her fingers rising, caressing the soft skin as she
continued to lick. The doctor smiled, urging her on with loving murmurs,
her hands stroking her charge's hair gently. Finally, Sandra's head
lifted, and her tear-filled eyes gazed into Lara's. "I... want... you"
was all she could say, but the burning desire evident in her stare would
have been enough. Lara nodded, and began to carefully remove the small
electrodes while the young woman sat obediently. Seconds later, they were
gone, and Lara's hands gently grasped her patient's shoulders. The young
woman rose up from the chair as if lifted by angels, totally mesmerized by
the sweet, smiling face of the beautiful woman before her. Her very will
was now transformed, and the object of her desire forever altered. Her
heart was thundering rapidly as her eyes gazed upon the flawless features,
the gentle curves, the entrancing lips... their faces drew closer to one
another, their hands roaming softly over each other... The kiss was both
soft and passionate, Lara letting her pupil take the initiative. Sandra
began by letting her tongue run over her mistress' lips, and then pressed
her lips to Lara's, her mouth open, her tongue eagerly exploring Lara's
delicate mouth. The sheer eroticism of the act was lighting a fire inside
Sandra, and her head began to spin. She threw herself in the embrace, her
body pressing against Lara's as if trying to merge with her, the intense
desire pushing her over the edge. The doctor's treatment had not only
altered Sandra's sexual orientation, but intensified her responses to
sexual intercourse. Lara felt herself being ravished, her slave unable to
contain her lust, and lost herself in the moment. She was only dimly aware
of Sandra's growing orgasm, herself in the throes of lustful exhilaration
brought upon by the ministrations of her pupil... and the realization that
she had become a sexual goddess to her. Their hands had not yet explored
their wet pussies, their tongues had not yet tasted female cum, and already
both shook with the intense agony of orgasm. Each held the other, locked
in a desperate embrace, clinging to each other for dear life, their lips
locked in a ferocious kiss, their bodies quivering in an intense climax.
For long minutes they stood, stifled moans testifying to the sensuous
pleasure they felt for each other, the tremendous orgasmic energies
released from their physical forms and permeating their surroundings with
the delicious scent of carnal desire. They fell upon the bed, intertwined,
their hands slowly roaming over their burning skin, removing loose clothes.
Lara was blissfully aware of her pupil's newfound eager lust, Sandra not
hesitating to lavish her with soft kisses as she worker her way downwards,
hungry for a taste she now knew was what she had always wanted and needed.
She took a moment to tease Lara's erect nipples, biting in the softness of
the milky-white mounts. Lara moaned approvingly, while Sandra continued
her sensual exploration of the female body. Her tongue danced its way down
her doctor wet pussy, which she began to lick as if it were the most
natural thing in the world... as if she had relished in this wondrous,
delicate, gratifying passion since the dawn of her sexuality. Long
standing memories of heterosexuality were washed away as she sucked on
Lara's clit, her lips drenched in the doctor's juices, the taste of female
cum on her probing tongue. Even as she continued to lick and suck,
oblivious to the screams of lustful agony coming from her sweet mistress,
she felt her body tensing up, waves of pleasure rising, coming ever closer,
threatening to wash her off a cliff... and abyss... a deep chasm she
desperately wanted to drown into... She screamed, she howled, she shook as
the cascading torrent of emotions and sensations ripped her psyche apart.
When they subsided, she was whole once more. The way Lara wanted her to
be. The was she was meant to be. She was aware of her sweet doctor's
embrace, of her delicate touch, of her gentle fingers, probing her pussy,
rubbing her clit, of her sweet lips, sucking her earlobe, her soft voice
whispering in her ear. *"You are mine, Sandra. You are my assistant...
my lover... you will abandon your old life and come to me... forever."*
Sandra gazed into Lara's eyes, smiling, and answered with a lascivious
kiss. #### "Good morning, Beatrice. How are you today?" The dazed woman
looked up, her thoughts a jumbled blur. Two women in labcoats sat on metal
chairs, a few feet away from her. She tried to sit up, but found that
restraints kept her tied to her own chair. Her confused eyes roamed about.
She could tell she was in what appeared to be a psychiatric ward, but could
not remember how she got there, or why she was here. "I'm doctor Lara
Richardson." said one of the women. "This is my assistant, miss Sandra
Rosen." She paused, while both smiled. "We're here to help you."
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