Formerly - Tale of a Bored Housewife
ENSLAVED...(Formerly Tale of a Bored Housewife) (MMMF, FFFF, BEAST)
The beginning of this story was posted originally about 7 years ago
and made the rounds of various BBS. At that time the title was
ENSLAVED.....I think that title more accurately depicts what
happens to this woman. First she is enslaved by friends and then
by her own passions.
One section of this story was written by another writer who felt he
could not do justice to the incomplete original story. His
contribution is kept within the overall story, but is moved
slightly further back in the story. For those of you who have read
the original parts, all other new parts with that exception have
been written by me. Unfortunately, having gotten this far in the
with the manifest changes being experienced by this woman, I think
this needs some more story and a really punchy ending.
If you have any suggestions please e’mail them to me.
PART I ’ Chapter 1
It was a warm September afternoon. I was walking down
the quiet, suburban street I lived on, on the way to Gloria's
house. It was fairly windy, a gust whipped up and I had to
reach down to hold my skirt. I suppose my modesty wasn't really
in jeopardy but the skirt was considerably shorter than what I
was accustomed to wearing.
Gloria had asked me to assist her with a party she was
throwing for Dave's boss. He had just started a new job she
really wanted to impress him. Part of his new responsibilities
included entertaining customers. She was going to hire several
college girls to serve food and drinks but she suggested that
maybe I would want to help and in return she would forget the
$65.00 I had borrowed earlier that month. I readily agreed, the
party sounded like fun. Gloria thought about renting maids
uniforms for us but decided against it, she then asked us to all
wear matching skirts and blouses. She had called me earlier in the
week and told me that mine was almost ready, I had gone over to her
place to try the skirt on. I was uncomfortable with how short it
was but she laughed it off, reminding me that I was about 20 years
behind the times. I didn't want to appear too prudish, I didn't
know any of these people and wouldn't be the only one dressed like
this, besides it was no worse than what many other women were
wearing these days; so I agreed to wear it. I had to admit the
outfit didn't look too bad on me, a red and black checked skirt,
white blouse, red scarf, black high heels and suntan panty hose.
It may have looked all right but it wasn't designed to protect me
from the November gusts I shivered and hurried along the sidewalk.
Gloria met me at the door, she laughed and asked me if it was going
to snow. We stood on the porch and discussed the overcast weather
for a moment, until she noticed me shivering. We stepped inside to
begin preparations for the evening. Gloria was busy on the phone
so I did most of the straightening up, setting up the buffet, etc.
About 5:00, a pretty young girl came to the door wearing the same
outfit I was in. We introduced each other; Paula was to help me
serve. She seemed nice, pert, maybe a little impertinent but
friendly enough and I had to admit in that outfit with her figure,
she looked smashing. She told me she was a 19 year old student at
a nearby JC. I said goodbye to Pete and Chris, Gloria's kids, 16
and 14 respectively. They were going to their own party that
night, so they wouldn't be disturbed by ours. They were actually’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’the reason for my friendship with Gloria; Chris was my daughter
Karen's best friend. And Pete was Karen's boyfriend. He had
always scared me, I thought he might be too "mature" for her, but
what could I do?
Gloria came down about 7:30. Dave had just gotten home and the
guests had just started arriving. Mostly couples, mid twenties to
early forties, they were quite well dressed. There were about 25
people in all, including Paula and I. I was introduced to most of
the guests and was flattered by the interest all took in me
although a little uncomfortable. The women were less friendly,
maybe even condescending. It seems that Gloria had mentioned
something about me to most of them. I was involved in putting away
the guests' coats and serving drinks. At one point I walked by the
kitchen and heard Gloria on the phone. Something caught my
attention and I froze, listening to the conversation......"36 years
old, married, 3 kids, 5'6", 120lbs, green eyes, brown hair, has no
idea what's going on. This bitch has never even thought about
anyone other than her husband." At that the party on the other end
must have said something, for Gloria was silent. I was
dumbfounded, she couldn't be talking about me??
About this time she looked up and noticed me standing there.
She looked startled but recovered well, "what are you doing? Dammit
Joan this is personal I'd appreciate it if"........I turned and
went back into the living room; the incident seemed strange but I
really didn't think it was important, I could confront her later.
I didn't think she really had been talking about me.
I went into the living room, it was quite large, with a
fireplace in the center. They had used furniture to divide it into
two "rooms"; a family room and a more formal living room. I went
to the buffet table set up in the adjoining dining room and started
helping Paula serve. Occasionally one of us would carry around a
tray of drinks. I began to feel slightly uncomfortable, out of
place. There was an air of excitement in the room but whenever I
got near enough to a group to hear or join in the conversation it
seemed to die; sudden pauses, pregnant silences etc. This happened
several times and I was wondering what was going on. Paula seemed
to fit right in though. When she brought around a tray I saw her
laughing with the main group. One of the men put his arm around in
a manner that suggested they had not just met. Several of them
including Paula looked over in my direction as if appraising me,
then Paula returned and offered to relieve me for a while. This
went on until about 9:30.
Dave came over and took my arm, "there's someone I want you to
meet". He introduced me to Craig, his boss, and Phil, Gloria's
brother. Both men seemed seriously interested in my life, my
family, job etc. and were really probing me for details. This
seemed strange too but a welcome relief from the alienation I had
been feeling up to this point. I took a glass of wine and began to
loosen up.
’ h) 0*0*0*’’ Ԍ About half an hour later Gloria gathered all the guests back
into the living room, saying "it's time folks". Everyone seemed
quite excited at this and I wondered, "what in the world".........I
was on my 2nd glass of wine, (I never drink), and slightly
lightheaded. Phil gently took it out of my hands, took my arm
firmly and guided me to the living room. The chairs and couches
had been rearranged in a semi circle in front of the fireplace. In
the center a long low coffee table had been placed. The guests
were seated or standing around the table. Phil guided me to the
front, I was confused but held his arm. Gloria stood in front of
the table facing everyone.
"This is something I have been looking forward to for a while.
Joan has been interested in Indian rights for some time. She
doesn't know it but tonight she is going to help collect money for
the cause". There was a general outbreak of laughter at that. I
decided that I would prefer to be standing in the back and started
to move but found my arms suddenly grabbed. I froze. "Bring her
up here", Gloria commanded. Paula and Jan (a friend of mine who had
just convinced me to join the church's Garden Club) each took one
arm and pulled me up on the coffee table, I resisted but not too
hard, not knowing what was coming. I was turned so that I faced
the group, my arms still held, and my hair wrapped around Paula's
hand, she forced my head so I had to face the group.
Gloria smiled at me and told me to relax, "this won't be too
bad we're just going to auction off some clothing". The room
erupted with laughter. I was numb, too shocked to scream. Gloria
stood next to the table "what do I hear for her scarf?"; some one
offered $1.00, another $2.00, the bidding went up to $5.00. At
that time Gloria accepted the bid, and reached for me, ripping the
scarf from around my neck. I screamed, a hand was clamped around
my face. The scarf was forced down my throat and with my arms held
I couldn't get it out. People started to sit down, they all
appeared to know what was going to happen. "Next up, her blouse",
There was some cursory bidding, Gloria backed up close to the
table, I saw the opportunity and tried to kick her. That was a
mistake. Phil and Craig grabbed both legs. They each took hold of
an ankle. In addition they rubbed their hands up and down my
thighs and up under my skirt, much to the amusement of the other
guests. I was sobbing in my humiliation but there was no escape.
After a little more bidding my blouse was removed. Phil won
the bidding and took it off himself. They bent me over a little so
that his face was level with mine. He reached out and ripped my
blouse down the front, he jerked my arms out, I tried to cover up
but Jan twisted my arm until I gagged. I relaxed and they
straightened me back up. I was held there, up on the table with
just my bra on. I went blank for a moment, the only other man who
had ever seen me like this was Tom......... I never in my worst
dreams imagined this could ever happen. Paula fingered a gold
chain I was wearing. It had a diamond pendant. Tom had given it
to me for our 12th wedding anniversary. It was sold for $5.00. It’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’was ripped off my neck, the chain breaking at the clasp, and
ripping my neck. Gloria told Paula to hold up my ring finger so my
wedding band could be examined, "she won't be needing that
tonight". It went for a few dollars. I was still kind of in
shock, I was sobbing but was still unbelieving. These things
really don't happen. Again Gloria stepped up. She reached out and
snapped the strap on my bra. "What do I hear for this fine Maiden
Form Brassiere?".... The other guests all laughed at her sarcasm,
they talked among themselves but most of the attention was riveted
on me. The bidding went on. My bra was sold for $20.00. Gloria
didn't make any move to remove it though, I was shaking like a
leaf, what next? "Whoever correctly guesses what size this item of
clothing is shall have the privilege of removing it, however an
incorrect guess costs $5.00". She reached back and looked at the
tag and laughed, "not bad, who's your plastic surgeon?". I was
turned and poked by several guys "so they could have a fightin'
chance of guessing right". Several people tried guessing, on the
third guess Steve's wife Marie said "36D", and Gloria smiled...."we
have a winner". Marie "graciously allowed" Steve to remove the
bra. He took his time. He poked, rubbed and fondled me to the
delight of the crowd for about five minutes. I had lost control by
then, sobbing hysterically. Finally He removed it, and his hands.
I had noticed earlier that several people had brought camera's
with them, now it appeared that everyone had. I was turned and
twisted to pose for these people, my hair practically ripped out of
my head to force me to look into the cameras. Paula reached down,
still holding one arm and ripped my skirt up to my waist,
flashbulbs popped. They didn't bother with the formality of
auctioning my skirt, it disappeared in a frenzy. I passed out.
PART I ’ Chapter 3
When I awoke I was spreadeagled on my back on the coffee table,
feet tied, each to a leg, arms held back over my head by Paula and
Jan, and was surrounded by the guests, Gloria was slapping my
face. When I opened my eyes she smiled "she's ready now" Craig was
standing at my feet. His wife ritualistically unbuttoned his
trousers and pulled them down. She caressed his penis but it was
throbbing, he didn't need much help. When he entered me it was
rough. I screamed into the gag and everyone broke into hysterical
laughter. Craig even stopped and smiled, but not for long. He had
intercourse with me more roughly than I ever imagined possible.
Each stroke seemed to burn itself into my insides. I looked up
once into his eyes and saw a terrible fury there. When he was done
He pulled out and stood up, He moved to the head of the table and
stood over me his penis dripping into my face. He put one foot on
the table next to my face and motioned Paula and Jan to pose on
either side of him like a champion race car driver being
congratulated after a victory while his wife took several
snapshots. They also each put a leg up on the table, their nyloned
legs flanking him as Marion took the shots. I tried to cover up,’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’Jan grabbed an arm and I was jerked back into a helpless position.
After Craig, the other men began taking turns on me. They blanked
into one another I was only semi-aware when one was done and
another started.
Again I blacked out. I was thinking about Tom and Karen my 14
year old, (and Pete's girlfriend). I imagined myself with them on
the beach during our last vacation. I was warm and comfortable.
In my dream I was warm and comfortable, I thought I saw my son
coming towards me with a cold coke. He threatened to pour it on
me. I awoke with a start to look up into Steve's face as he
rubbed a cold bottle of beer against my crotch. Things were
quieter, the lights had been turned off in this end of the room,
there were several candles lit.
I was no longer gagged nor held down. Steve helped untie my ankles
and his wife Marie gently guided me to a couch. I noticed that
most of the guests were gone, there were several couples sitting at
the other end of the room talking with Gloria and Dave but they
paid us no attention. Marie helped me gather my shoes, panty hose,
bra and what was left of my blouse. My panties were nowhere to be
found. I put on my panty hose and with Marie's help my shoes and
skirt. Steve was still holding my blouse and bra. Gloria noticed
something and walked down to our end of the room. "Steve let me
help you with that stuff, It's not fit for Joan to wear anymore so
let's just chuck it". With that Steve frowned but handed her the
clothing and she tossed it into the fireplace where it disappeared
in a temporary resurgence of the dying fire. Marie and Steve
both looked a little sympathetic, they sat on the couch on either
side of me. They were both quite gentle, and after the last hours
I clung to that. The room was warm but I was still shaking
uncontrollably. Steve held me to stop my shaking. For the first
time I could remember I stopped sobbing. I didn't resist when
Steve cupped one breast. He was gentle and I felt a little safer
being held. Marie spoke up. "I saved your wedding ring for you,
want it back? Of course,.... listen though Steve has a fantasy
about this, would you be willing to help him live it? It's a lot
easier than what you've already been through tonight". I nodded
agreement silently. I knew I had no choice and I was more
comfortable here than I would have been if Gloria noticed me again.
And they were so kind, I wanted to preserve that desperately.
Steve reached for my hand and held it while Marie slipped the
ring on my ring finger. Steve unzipped his pants and motioned for
me to pull his member out. I hesitated but when Marie started to
move I reached for it. I took it out, It was hard almost
immediately. Marie guided me to the floor in front of Steve where
I knelt. She pushed my Face down into his crotch and I understood
I was to take it in my mouth. I gagged but did it. After a few
moments she pulled my head back and told me that if I wanted to I
could just use my hand but I would have to let him come in my face.
Dumbly I cooperated. I was in a kind of shock. Every time I tried
to use my right hand she stopped me, I was to only use my left.
When he came he spurted in my face and on my hand which went up to’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’protect my eyes. He came a lot, it was warm and felt smooth
against my skin.
Flash bulbs popped. I looked left and there were Paula and
Gloria both recording this moment for posterity. Me topless, on
my knees, Steve's cock in my face and cum dripping off my face and
hand (later I was to learn that it was dripping off my ring, that
was the object of the exercise). When Steve finished cumming,
Marie wiped his cock off with my other hand and replaced it in his
pants. They both got up as if I wasn't even there and joined the
other group. I heard a long burst of hysterical laughter. Gloria
spoke up as they left. "Get on your feet and bring us some wine,
and see if anyone wants any dessert." I complied, it didn't seem
like there was anything else to do at the time.
It was about 2:00 AM by then. I served dessert and a little
wine to the remaining guests. I was directed to again remove my
skirt and kneel on the floor under the lamp where they could all
see me, until I was needed. I complied. I tried not to look into
anyone's eyes, I was sobbing again but afraid of making too much
noise. At one point Gloria got up and threw my skirt into the
fire, she also grabbed the arm that I was using to cover my breasts
and jerked away. "Don't you dare cover up". After that they
mostly ignored me in the conversation but would occasionally give
me a look of disgust to insure I was aware of my condition.
For awhile I knelt there, leaning back fully exposing my
breasts to avoid Gloria's wrath. I was thinking back through my
entire relationship with Gloria and Dave. I had never seen
anything remotely comparing to their treatment of me tonight. I
had felt that Gloria was occasionally unnecessarily snappish with
me, even rude, but she had always seemed to be a fairly reliable
friend. I had confided in her about marital problems etc. and she
in me. Her cruelty shocked me as did her blatant enjoyment of my
subjugation. I thought about Jan. She had always been a good
friend. She was what men call a doll, small, excellent figure,
pretty face, dark complexion, attracted men like flies but seemed
to ignore them.
Tonight she was acting extremely provocative, enjoying egging
the men on, and directing their energies towards me. She also
enjoyed my subjugation. I never even imagined that she could act
like this.
About 3:30 Paula got up to leave and Gloria told me to help her
with her coat. Standing there in the hallway Paula smiled and
cruelly told me that "I have really enjoyed the evening, haven't
you?" She laughed and told me that she had made a deal with
Gloria, and I was the deal. I would be hearing from her later in
the week, and if I valued my family I would cooperate. She pulled
my necklace out of her pocket and told me she would get it fixed.
Maybe I could borrow it sometime....with that she stepped out the
door and I was left alone in the hallway. Dave came out and guided
me to the basement, he pointed to a pile of blankets and said’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’Gloria would be down in the morning. I heard that door shut and
the lock click into place. Alone in the dark, I sobbed myself
through the night but didn't sleep. I relived the experience
countless times. Was it real? Why? Why? Why? How could I face the
people I knew. How could I face Gloria and Dave, and the others I
knew I might see again?
About 12 hours later The door opened and the bright light
caused me to squint in pain. Gloria came down carrying some
clothing which she dumped at my feet. "Get up!! Joan I'm not
going to waste time with unnecessary threats. Suffice to say that
I have affidavits from everyone who was here last night that you
got drunk and made a fool of yourself. You made passes at every
man and when they were done you were begging for more. I have
pictures that would ruin your marriage for ever. And finally if you
don't want me to include Karen in our next Soiree, you will do as
you are told. I do require you to sign two papers and then I am
going to let you go. I know you won't be stupid enough to fight
this but just in case."
I looked at the papers. One said something to the effect that
I had agreed to "sell my body" for $65.00. I agreed to serve as
the entertainment at an "adult" party with the understanding that
providing sexual favors would be part of the deal. She had me
write my age, name, and measurements on the form in my own
handwriting. She also had me write that I would gladly perform
fellatio and have intercourse with whosoever desired at this party.
And that I understood that although such an agreement was illegal
it would suffice to prove the voluntariness of any sexual
activity. I managed to maintain my composure and although I shook,
I wrote what she wanted. After I had written what she had
originally ordered, she smiled and said let's improve this, "write
that you are married and you know Tom your husband would die if he
knew what you had done, so you asked your husband to leave you
alone for the weekend." Finally she had me write a note to Tom on
the back of the contract. "Tom I decided to see what the rest of
the world was like. I enjoyed what the 11 guys at that party did
to me. Ask Gloria for some snapshots." I complied. Gloria told
me she was sure that she would never have to use this paper.
The other form was a model release which covered the entire
night. It specifically mentioned that the photos were nude, I had
posed voluntarily and that I assigned to Gloria the rights to do
what she desired with them including publication. The total
helplessness of the situation got to me. I broke into tears.
"Joan if you don't sign this in about 3 seconds you will lose the
chance and I will have to protect myself in a less genteel
fashion". I wasn't sure what she meant but decided that I had
nothing to lose by signing the forms. I did and she left.
Strangely she looked at me with almost friendliness in her eyes and
said gently, "Joan things have changed, but you're going to be all
right. If you continue to do what you're told, we will take care’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’of you." As she climbed the stairs out of the basement she left
the basement door open and opened the back door of her home. I was
looking directly outside.
I stepped out of the light and dressed. She had chosen the
clothes to humiliate me. There was no bra or panties, the sweater
was her daughters, and about 3 sizes too small. The shoes were
mine, the pantyhose mine (it had been washed) but the skirt was
again Chris'. In addition to being too tight it was so short I was
afraid to walk, if I took too long a step I felt I would be
exposing myself to the world. But I did put it on and stepped out
the door to freedom.
Walking down the street to my home I reflected on the evening.
And Gloria's cryptic final remarks, she couldn't think she could do
this to me again? I looked down at what I was wearing and realized
that she might be able to do what she wanted. That was a chilling
thought. I knew I could never go to the police. There was a real
possibility that even if they believed my story, that Gloria could
indeed ruin my life and my families'. I passed by a moving van,
people were just moving into the home. Three guys stood on the
steps. I heard a loud whistle, and another. Realizing they were
for me I smiled involuntarily but stepped up my pace. I felt
embarrassed but flattered. I looked up into the November sky. It
was the deepest blue and the brightest sunlight that I had seen in
a long time................
PART II ’ Chapter 1
I had spent the rest of that weekend in a daze. Saturday
afternoon when I got home, I immediately took off the clothes
Gloria had sent me away in, and threw them into the garbage in the
garage. I tried to sleep. Although I had not slept in a day and
a half, I was still to upset. I wandered around the house, but
couldn't seem to sit down. About 6:30 I ran some water for a bath.
As I lay there I began to relax. When I moved I realized how sore
I was. I think it was then that the shock wore off and the full
import of what had happened hit me. I had been raped, not just
raped but gang-raped. Not by strangers in some alley, but by
friends, and neighbors, less than two blocks from my home.
Not knowing where to turn, or what to do I moved from the tub to my
bed and eventually drifted off to sleep. When I woke up Sunday
I was still in kind of a funk. It was a cold clear day and I
forced myself to clean up around the house, etc. in preparation for
my families return from Tom's parents. I thought about Friday
night. That was the first time I had had sex with anyone other
than my husband. I was ashamed to admit it but the worst part was
the humiliation. The sex with the men had been degrading but......
When Tom and the kids got there I tried to act cheerful and welcome
them back. Karen immediately stated that she was going to run over’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’to see Pete. I lost control. I yelled at her, told her that she
was not going anywhere. Everyone stared at me, Karen looked
shocked but said nothing.
Tom took me aside and asked me if I was alright. I said yes, there
was nothing wrong. He went over to Karen and told her to wait
until after dinner to leave. While she was gone I was scared
silly. What would she find out over there? I did not know at the
time if Pete or Chris knew what had happened to me, it was so crazy
I did not know what to think.
The next few days went slowly. Tom repeatedly asked me what
was wrong but I could not tell him. He could never understand. I
know I was acting strangely but could not help myself. We tried to
make love several times. Each time Tom would try to approach me I
kept thinking about that Friday night. The one time we did make
love I remember comparing his lovemaking to Craig's brutal
intercourse. I didn't enjoy Tom that night at all. It was so cold
so dispassionate, I think Tom finally got the message. 10 days
later, about 7:00 one night I came down stairs and heard people
talking in the living room. "What happened last weekend, she
hasn't been the same since?" There was an edge on Tom's voice when
he spoke. "She seemed all right Friday night when she left". That
was Dave speaking, Gloria spoke up. "Steve and Marie Daniels left
with her, they were going to drop her off since it was pretty late.
I talked to Marie last week and she didn't mention anything". "Why
don't we all get together Saturday? Maybe she's just depressed and
a little get together will cheer her up." Tom agreed that that
might be a good idea. Gloria mentioned that she would try and
invite a few other people and would talk to Tom later in the week
to set it up. I realized that if someone saw me standing here they
would notice that I had been eavesdropping. I went on down into
the living room. Gloria and Dave were there with Tom. Gloria
smiled warmly and mentioned that since she hadn't heard from me in
a while they thought they would stop by. I mumbled hello, and sat
next to Tom. We sat and talked for about 45 minutes. Everything
seemed so, so...normal. After they left I wondered if that night
had really happened. I wanted to forget and they acted as if
nothing had changed.
I tried to talk Tom out of going but he was adamant. Saturday
morning came and I saw that I had no choice. I pretended to be
sick, and that was not far from the truth but the kids were eager
to leave and Tom seemed intent on dragging me there. I put on some
jeans and a blouse and we left to walk over there. As we walked
down the street I took stock of my family. Tom was 36, a fairly
successful attorney and his practice was just beginning to come
into its own. After some hard years it looked like he was in the
process of becoming one of the most prominent local attorneys. He
was 5'10", 175 lbs and stayed in great shape. I was extremely
proud of him. When I married him I had misgivings. He was a
wonderful person, extremely dependable and I knew he could take
care of me but he was a little to staid, to damn dependable. I
realized as I looked at him that I had made the right choice. I’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’cared for him deeply and he was a wonderful husband and father. I
looked at Karen my 14 year old. She was a sophomore in high
school, well behaved and normally easy to handle. Many of my
friends envied me because Karen and I seemed to have so few
problems. Her figure had been developing faster than I wanted to
see though, I worried about her. She went out with Pete, Gloria's
16 year old and I felt that he was to wild for he. Scott my 12
year old was skinny as a beanpole, a little awkward but he was
moving out of the awkward stage and I was quite proud of him.
Linda our youngest was 11, she was a little monster, I loved her
dearly though, she was my favorite. Tom accused me of spoiling
her. All in all I was extremely proud of my family.
I looked up and saw that we had almost reached Gloria's house.
I was a little nervous but Tom had told me that we could leave
after a little if I still didn't feel better. If he only knew!!!
Dave met us at the door. Behind him stood Mona who had been Karen
and Scott's 5th grade teacher. I heard voices in the living room
and I saw Phil, Gloria's brother and a young women I didn't know.
While Dave introduced me to Phil and his date (Denise). Mona took
Tom off to the side and they appeared to be engaged in an earnest
discussion. The kids disappeared upstairs. I realized that I was
the only woman not wearing a skirt or a dress. Gloria came out of
the kitchen, welcomed us and asked if Mona or I could give her a
hand in the kitchen for a moment. Mona grabbed my hand and almost
dragged me into the kitchen. Once there she placed her hand over
my mouth while Gloria picked up a cup of some bright red sauce and
splashed it on my white blouse. Gloria spoke loudly, "I'm terribly
sorry". She went on for a moment while Mona relaxed her grip but
kept a hand on my arm and quietly said. "Cooperate with me Joan
and today will be fairly easy for you." Before I could answer Mona
pulled me out of the kitchen, I tried to look embarrassed, not
scared. I knew somehow that that was how they wanted me to act
while Gloria announced how clumsy she was. Mona offered to take me
home to change clothes, while Gloria continued to act sympathetic
and apologize. The show was clearly for Tom's benefit. I
understood from the pressure of Mona's fingers that I was to accept
her offer. I did.
She drove me the 2 blocks to my home silently. I asked her
what was going on, for a moment I was outraged but when she offered
to take me back and allow Gloria to tell Tom what I had really done
2 weeks earlier I became a little scared (terrified) and went along
with her. She pulled up into my driveway, I got out and began
walking towards the back door. She stopped me. "When you enter a
home alone you will use the back door, when you are with someone
else, you will ensure that they at least use the front". I
looked at her as if to ask what in the world but thought better of
it. She went up the stairs and straight into my bedroom. I
watched her as she went through my closet. She was tall about
5'8", blonde hair, blue eyes, single and about 31 or 32 years old.
She had a good body and as I remembered she had always liked to
flaunt it. She was wearing a long black skirt, but it was slit to
mid thigh. I had seen when we had walked into Gloria's home that’ h)
0*0*0*’’ ’Tom had noticed her. I had felt a tinge of jealousy. After going
through my closet for a moment she turned to me and told me to get
out all my skirts, pumps or heels, tan or flesh covered panty hose,
and sweaters. She would choose what I was to wear. I complied
with her demand. As I bent down to get out my shoes I bumped into
her. She grabbed my hair and slapped me twice across the face.
She didn't hit me hard but I was shocked. Tears rolled down my
face. "Hurry up, if we don't get back in a few minutes Gloria will
be getting out the picture album she created for you last week and
showing Tom and your kids what a good show you put on."
After I had lain everything out she picked out 2 pair of shoes,
plain black pumps and plain white ones, several pair of panty hose
and a sweater. She made me try on several skirts. Finally she
made me put on the black pumps, panty hose, a knee length black
skirt and a red turtle neck. She put several skirts, the white
pumps and some panty hose into a shopping bag. As she turned to go
almost as an afterthought she told me to show her what kind of
sweaters Karen had. She picked out a sweater that I had given
Karen for her birthday, a beautiful white angora sweater. She
placed that in her shopping bag and we left.
When we got back they were all sitting down to dinner. Gloria sat
Tom down at one table and Mona quickly grabbed the empty seat to
his right. I felt Phil's hand guide me to a seat at the other
table. I looked over at Tom, he smiled at me and started to say
something. Right about then Mona placed her hand on his arm and he
turned to talk to her. I sat down between Phil and Denise. I
wasn't very hungry. I picked at my food. Phil tried to make small
talk and so did Denise. About halfway through the dinner I felt
Phil's hand on my leg. He started at the knee and slid his hand
between my skirt and leg. While smiling at my daughter and asking
her about a party she had gone to with Pete he fondled my thigh up
to my panties. We both acted as if nothing was happening. Denise
looked at him and in a very sotto voice, told him to "leave her
alone,......for now" they both laughed at that and after that they
pretty much ignored me.
After dinner Gloria grabbed me and guided me into the kitchen.
I could hear Tom talking to Phil and Mona just outside the door.
She told me that Dave had something to show me. He came up from
the basement and motioned for me to follow him down. I went down
behind him, upstairs I could hear the voices of the others. He
took me to the corner where I had spent the night 2 weeks earlier.
There was a blanket covering one wall. He removed it, underneath
there were dozens of pictures. They were all of me, in the various
stages of undress that I had been forced to parade around in that
night. In the center there was a large color photo of me, topless,
on my knees, with my left hand around an erect penis, no more than
3 inches from my face. Cum was dripping off my face and hand. My
wedding ring could be clearly seen underneath. It looked as if I
was smiling. Next to that one there was a shot of me wearing
panties, pantyhose, black heels, and nothing else. I was kneeling
in the living room while 6 or 7 people sat on the couches ignoring’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’me. "Joan if you will cooperate today we won't show these pictures
to Tom. If at any time you cause any trouble though, he will get
the same tour that you received." Numbly I turned away. I started
to cry.
"If he sees something is wrong, we will have to assume you are not
cooperating. I will leave you alone here for a few moments but we
will be expecting you upstairs." He smiled at me, and reached down
and raised my skirt. He looked at my legs for a moment, as if to
show me that he had that power. He dropped my skirt and left the
basement without speaking again.
After several minutes I turned and walked up the stairs.
PART II ’ Chapter 2
I numbly reached for the door handle, I was going to just
leave, nothing could be worse than staying. Gloria was standing
right outside the door. She smiled and told me that she thought
I might try and leave, but it would be easier if I stayed. If I
left she and Mona would have to show Tom what a "slut he had
married." After she and Mona finished talking to Tom I could
never go home again. If I continued to cooperate I would only
suffer momentary embarrassment. I was repulsed at what she
considered "momentary embarrassment" but knew that I had no choice.
We went inside. Most everyone was in the living room. Tom was
there with Mona. He looked up at me. "How are you feeling?"
"Better I lied". Gloria told Tom that she wanted to show me her
new crafts room. He laughed and told me to have fun. Gloria
guided me up the stairs. We went up into what had been the attic.
It had been remodeled for her to use for her hobbies. (I was soon
to learn that I was a hobby). Once there Denise soon joined us.
Phil was right behind her. "Shall we get started?" Gloria asked
sarcastically. Phil grabbed my arms while Gloria and Denise
pulled my sweater off. As soon as my arms slipped through the
sleeves Phil grabbed them again. They removed my skirt and slip
and then, strangely, Gloria asked Phil and Denise to leave the
"Joan, don't talk, just and absorb what I have to say. Go ahead,
sit down on the bed. Obviously you realized earlier that you have
more to gain by going along with us than by fighting. What I have
in mind for you isn't too bad. You are going to have to learn to
cooperate. If you do, your life will go on pretty much as it
always has. If not, well, I have some alternate plans. For the
rest of today, relax and try to have fun. I promise you will not
be hurt."
I thought about what she had said. All through my life, from
high school, college, and marriage I had been a "good girl", a
"good wife" and generally had conformed to what a "nice" girl
should do. Tom had been my "first". I fantasized about other men
on occasion but had never so much as expressed the thought. I’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’always dressed modestly. The night they raped me I was terrified,
humiliated, degraded to the point of being sick, but when I
thought back about it, I started to feel warm down around my
vagina. I knew, and she knew that I was going to cooperate. She
knew how I felt, degraded but excited.
Dave came in the room. Gloria commanded that I kneel on the
floor. I did. Phil and Denise came back in. Denise picked up a
tape measure and proceeded to take my measurements. After she
measured my bust I was allowed to replace my bra. She recorded the
measurements on a bulletin board. I noticed that there were
blanks there so the succeeding measurement could be compared to
the previous ones. Dave looked down the stairs and into the
hallway. He reported that the coast was clear Gloria led me down
stairs to the bathroom. I was directed to step on the scale. We
started back into the attic but Gloria guided me to her bedroom.
She pushed my head down into what had been an old heating grate,
but was now slightly open into her living room. I saw Tom and
Mona on the couch, Mona had her hand on his arm and it was obvious
they were engrossed in conversation. Her skirt had slipped
partially off her thigh. He was enjoying her company. It was also
obvious that she was offering him more than a platonic
relationship. Before I could react Gloria guided me back
upstairs. I was directed to kneel on the floor again while the
others discussed my body. I learned that they thought it was
good, but that I would be sent to the "Workout World" to improve
it. During the afternoon, I stayed there, not ignored but not
harassed either. Phil wrote out an exercise schedule and told me
that I would be using it soon. Dave and Phil spent most of the
time downstairs.
I could hear the kids in another room but they stayed well out
of the way most of the afternoon. I was terrified that one of
them would come in and see me like this. Denise mentioned
something to Gloria about Tom coming up but Gloria laughed and
assured her that Mona was not going to let him out of her sight.
Late in the afternoon Denise told me to dress and come on
downstairs. She took me into the bathroom and helped rearrange my
make-up. When I came downstairs Tom had the kids in the living
room and they were preparing to leave. Gloria asked me to stay.
"Tom you don't mind if Joan stays awhile do you?" He said it was
up to me. They both looked at me, but before I could speak Gloria
spoke up, "great, it's settled, Joan promised me she would
help me bake tonight". With that Tom told me not to stay too
late, kissed me, and left with the kids.
Gloria brought me into the living room. Mona brought out the
bag of clothing she had taken from my home earlier. Dave and Phil
seemed to be arranging some photographic lights and shades around
the Christmas tree. Dave had several cameras two on tripods, and
one with a strange looking lens that he was holding in his hand.
As soon as they finished arranging things they looked at me,’ h)
0*0*0*’’ ’expectantly, "Well come on, step up here." I came forward
and Dave "posed me" in front of the tree. "Turn slightly
sideways, bend forward slightly, now with your right hand, grab a
handful of skirt and raise it a little." "Damn it smile!" I was
sobbing by now, Dave roughly wiped my face, and pushed me into the
position he wanted. For several minutes we went on like this.
Finally, Gloria who had been watching silently suggested that we
were going about this all wrong. "Strip her!!" she commanded,
Denise and Mona proceeded to undress me. They weren't rough, they
weren't gentle, they were just cold and efficient. After I was
undressed Dave lay me down on the floor, on my side and
photographed me in front of the tree. Then he moved me so that I
was on my back, feet towards the camera, legs spread, and my left
hand (wedding ring) covering my vagina. I was made to pose this
way for a while. Eventually I was allowed to put on some
clothing, and I was photographed for the next couple hours in
various stages of dress and undress. I tried on all the pairs of
panty hose Mona had brought, Dave and Phil selected the shades
they liked. One skirt, my longest, had been slit to the waist,
another had been hemmed up during the afternoon so that it was much
too short. They tried every combination of clothing and pose
imaginable. No blouse, then no skirt, change shoes, bra on, bra
off, panty hose on, panty hose off, change skirts, remove skirt
etc. I wasn't enjoying this at all but I wasn't as scared as I
had been originally. I was still scared and maybe a little angry
(although my fear overruled my anger) but it wasn't as hard to go
along with them as it had been in the beginning. I realized what
Gloria had done. By making me pose nude at first, I knew the
worst was over and that things had to get better. It worked. Both
Dave and Phil became quite solicitous, as long as I cooperated they
were gentle.
About 9:30 Dave told Gloria he was done. Mona piped up, "I
have one more idea." I was directed to put on some suntan panty
hose, my black heels, and my daughters White sweater, but no
skirt. The sweater was quite long and actually partially
covered my thighs. Gloria brought me to the kitchen, bent me over
the sink and soaked the sweater with water. She brought me drip
ping into the living room. Mona had collected 3 hair dryers and
they began heating the sweater to dry it, while I was still in it.
It took about an hour. When they finished they repeated the
process. Finally they did it again. This time before it was
totally dry Mona suggested they try some shots. By now the sweater
had shrunk. It was form fitting. It had stretched around my
breasts and was tight on my stomach. It still covered a little
Dave posed me in front of the tree again. This time he took
several rolls of film of just this outfit. I knelt, I bent over,
I was twisted, and even took one shot looking straight at the
camera, hands underneath my chest as if I was offering my breasts.
This shot took awhile to get right because they insisted I smile.
It wasn't easy but Gloria's threats and the promise that they
would keep it up until I got it right scared me into trying. The ’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’resultant grimace wasn't great but Dave said it would do. Finally
Gloria suggested the men pose with me. I knelt in front of them,
Dave unzipped his fly and placed my hand around his penis. I
began to perform as he wished. When he was done he did not put
his penis back into his pants, he stood next to we while I was
forced to suck Phil. During this time Gloria took numerous shots.
Finally they were done.
I was told to kneel in the corner for a while. Mona asked me
about the family photo that we had taken several weeks earlier.
"Tom told me that you are going to send cards this year with that
photo on them". I nodded agreement. Dave looked at Gloria and
they both smiled. "Bring us some of them!" "When will you pick
them up?" I replied that they should be ready on Monday. Gloria
ordered me to bring them to her immediately after I got them. The
phone rang, Dave answered it. "Everything is fine, she should be
finished in a little. Joan, it's Tom." He handed me the phone and
I took it. "He sounded a little irritated. It's well passed
midnight hon, when will you be home? I didn't think you would
stay this long, I wish you would have called, is everything all
right?" As he was speaking Phil had reached over and was
absentmindedly fondling my thigh. Denise tried to smother a
giggle but failed. I told Tom I was all right and would be home
soon. He sounded a little relieved, I told him not to wait up, He
said he would try but in any case to wake him when I got in. I
promised and we hung up. I asked Gloria if I could leave. She
told me that they weren't done with me yet. She wanted to get a
few more shots of me with my ring finger wrapped around Dave's
penis. I was posed again, and again. Finally they were through.
Gloria told me to dress, as I had been dressed when I arrived. I
did but Mona stopped me when I started to put the skirt on.
Gloria told me that I was through for the weekend but that I had
better be back Monday at 1:30 with the family Christmas cards.
"Do you hear me?" "Yes, I heard." "Than you better be here."
Gloria took me into the kitchen where we were joined by Mona.
"Joan, I have a few instructions for you; first you will no longer
wear pantsuits or jeans, you will wear skirts and dresses ALWAYS,
second you will no longer say no to a man, and third you will use
the back door when you are at my home." Do you understand? I
nodded. She sounded gentle so I asked her why.....Before The
words were out of my mouth I was told to "Shut UP!!! In due time
you will learn, for now, just cooperate and you will be allowed to
continue your way of life. Mona got up to leave. I gathered my
skirt in my hand, looked for my slip with no success, found my
purse and headed for the door.
"Wrong door bitch" with that Gloria pointed at the back door. I
walked out and found Mona waiting out front. She motioned for me
to get into her car. I did.
She drove to my house, once in front I started to put my skirt on.
She stopped me. "Get out of the car." "I'm not dressed." She
reached over and pushed me out, I was to scared to fight. Once’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’out of her car I stood there, she had stopped under a street
light, and put my skirt on. I walked into the house.
On the kitchen counter was a yellow manila envelope. Joan,
read me, it said in large red letters. I opened it and gasped. It
contained a blank diary, but also about twenty pictures taken two
weeks earlier. The photographs formed a chronological record of
my gang-rape. There was a note. "Joan use this diary to record
what happened to you during the last two weeks. Be detailed, be
specific, record your thoughts and your feelings. Bring this with
you when you come over Monday. You may keep the snapshots. So
far you are the only one in your family who has seen them. You
will, from now on, maintain your diary being very explicit about
you do and who you do it with. If you continue to cooperate, we
may be able to keep it this way. Sweet Dreams............. Gloria,
Mona, and Denise."
I stuffed the photo's back into the manilla envelope and
shoved it into a cabinet full of junk that no one ever looked
into, and stumbled upstairs sobbing quietly. Tom was sound asleep
when I got there. For some reason I looked on his dresser. There
was one of his business cards with some writing on it, I took it
into the bathroom to read. It was a women's handwriting, it had
a phone number, and address, and it was signed Mona...........Not
knowing what could come next, I crawled off to bed. I thought
about the day, Tom's possible relationship with Mona, and Gloria's
final orders. I drifted off to sleep.
PART II ’ Chapter 3
When I woke up Sunday morning it was already almost noon, Tom
must have let me sleep in. While it was a nice gesture, I was a
little surprised since he had spent so little time with me last
night but had said he wanted to talk to me. Was this his way of
letting me know how angry he was that I had been spending all my
time at Dave and Gloria's house? If only I could tell him the
truth, but I was scared of what would happen when he found out what
I'd been doing in the last weeks. I still didn't understand how or
why it happened, but somehow I was now enslaved to Gloria, and only
by following orders could I hope to save my marriage. That reminded
me about the diary I had been given, and that I would need some
time alone today to write down all that had happened to me in the
last couple of weeks. Gloria had said to be specific, to include
not only the events but my own personal thoughts and feelings as
well. Not even knowing where I should begin, I did realize that it
would take some time to write it all out. How would I ever find the
time to be alone without making Tom madder than he was already, or
worse, making him suspicious? Just then I heard his voice and
he came in the room. "Well, I see you're finally up. I guess you
forgot to wake me last night like you said you would." Oh my, I had
forgotten, I was so consumed with what had occurred last night at’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’Gloria's that I had broken my promise to Tom. How could I explain?
"I am sorry, honey. I guess that when I got home last night I was
so tired that I just fell right to sleep. I hope you can forgive
"Of course I forgive you, dear, it's just that I do want a chance
to talk to you about what's been going on the last couple of weeks.
You've been withdrawn and moody lately, and when you're not
wandering around here in a daze you're over spending all your time
with Gloria. I know she's a good friend and you're both very close,
but you seem to have forgotten that you have me and the kids here,
and that we want to spend time with you also." "I'm sorry if you've
been worried, but everything is all right, really" I lied, "Gloria
and I have been planning something special for the holidays and
I've just been preoccupied, that's all." I felt bad about deceiving
Tom, but I had no choice, I couldn't tell him the truth. "Well I
guess I overreacted" he said, "I was afraid that maybe I had done
something wrong, or that maybe I hadn't been doing enough. Since
everything is all right, and the kids have their own plans for
today, let's make a day of it ourselves. We can pack a lunch and
spend the day up at Lookout Point relaxing and getting
reacquainted." I could tell by his smile that he thought this was
a great idea, and so did I, it sounded marvelous. But before I
could open my mouth to say yes, the phone rang. Tom answered it,
and after a moment handed it to me. "It's Gloria" he said, looking
annoyed. I didn't blame him, she was the last person I wanted to
speak to right then myself.
"Hello Gloria, what's up? I asked in a neutral voice, hoping she
would get the hint and let me have a day of peace. No such luck.
"Good morning dear, I trust you had a good night's sleep. Did you
find that envelope I left for you in the kitchen?" I had almost
forgotten about that awful diary! There was no way I could go out
with Tom today, how could I find a way to explain it to him? "
Yes, I found it" I said carefully, not wanting Tom to overhear
anything disturbing, "I promise to have it ready for you tomorrow."
Gloria fairly purred, "I'm so glad to hear you being so
cooperative, I'm glad you've adjusted to everything so well. I
called to tell you to make arrangements for tomorrow evening, since
when you come over at 1:30 I'm sure you're going to want to stay
all night. Aren't you!?"
Her voice took on a stern note, and I knew I had no choice, I just
hoped Tom would understand. "That's no problem, Gloria, I'll let
Tom know." "Also" she said, "it is going to be a warm day tomorrow
so you won't need to bring a coat, and I trust you'll dress
appropriately. Have a good day." "Don't worry, I'll take care of
everything. I'll see you tomorrow," and hung up the phone. Tom was
looking at me, waiting for an explanation. "Tom, would you mind
taking care of the kids tomorrow night for me? I promised Gloria I’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’would help her put some things together, and since it will take a
while, I agreed to sleep over to make it easier. I hope you're not
too upset." He took a moment to answer, "Well, I think it's really
bad timing, but I can see that it's for a good cause. I just hope
Gloria takes good care of you." I hoped she took good care of me
too, but somehow thought otherwise. I think her and my definitions
of being good to me were totally opposite. "Well Joan, at least we
have today to enjoy each other." Hearing that, my heart really
sank! How was I going to tell him, without really making him mad?
"About that dear" I said gently, and he got a warning look in his
eye, "I'm afraid I can't go out today. I have a lot to do around
the house, and there is a lot I have to do to get ready for
tomorrow." For a full minute Tom said nothing, I couldn't tell if
he was mad or just disappointed. Finally, "That's all right, I
guess I'll just have to do something else. Actually, Mona called
earlier while you were asleep and asked me if I wanted to go to the
Car Show with her, she knows how much I like antique cars, but I
told her that we had plans for today. There is still time to call
her back and tell her that our plans were changed.
He sounded sincere, and I'm sure he thought it would be an innocent
day out with a friend, but I was still jealous. I knew Mona was
trying to seduce him, and wondered if after she talked to him this
morning she didn't call Gloria and have her keep me busy so that
Tom would be free. Hiding what I felt I cheerfully told him that
that was a perfect solution to both our dilemmas. I watched in
frustration as he called Mona, then got dressed and left.
PART II ’ Chapter 4
By the time Tom got home, which was a lot later than I thought
it would be, I had brought my new diary up to date. I had of course
had to include the day at Paula's place. She had called me up and
told me to be at her apartment at ten the following morning and not
to bother about what I wore. When I arrived at the apartment she
had taken me into the bedroom and told me to strip. I had done so.
Then she had given me a black leather miniskirt to wear and over
that a white apron with a bib that came up and fastened behind my
neck, it was just big enough on top that it covered my nipples but
otherwise left my breasts bare. Then she had explained to me that
her boyfriend worked the night shift and got off work at eight in
the morning. Then he and several of his fellow workers stopped off
to eat and then come back here to play poker. I was to serve them
while they played and be very accommodating to them, in every way.
The five of them arrived about half an hour later. They were a
young bunch like Paula, in their early twenties, and here I was in
my mid thirties serving them in my almost naked state. Paula
introduced me to them as their hostess for the game, and after, and
told them she was going out for the day and to enjoy themselves. I’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’couldn't help myself, my nipples became hard and showed clearly
through the embroidered top of the apron. The men cheered and said
they would take good care of me while she was gone.
I was told to bring them beer and snacks from the kitchen as they
all sat down around a heavy oak round table. When I served the
beer and snacks, their hands moved over the backs of my legs and up
my thighs. I shivered with the anticipation of what was going to
happen. One guys hands squeezed by buttocks. Another slipped his
hand under the bib of my apron and squeezed my breast. I couldn't
help a low moan escaping me. They began to play cards and I had to
keep the refreshments coming. It wasn't long before one set of
hands found the tie that kept the apron bib up and pulled it. The
bib fell down and there I was with my tits uncovered, naked from
the waist up. With that Paula's boyfriend pulled me onto his lap
and kissed me while his hand moved to my tits and he found my
nipple. He began to squeeze and pull on my nipple and then someone
else's hand found my other tit and began to play with it in the
same manner. Now I was moaning and rubbing my thighs together. I
couldn't believe how horny I was feeling, I could feel the juices
seeping from my vagina and the gradual swelling of my pussy lips.
A hand slid between my legs and then someone said, "Hey, she is
really hot, she's so wet even Charlie can slide his cock in there
easy." I felt his fingers enter me and begin to stroke me inside.
My hips began to jerk. Then I felt myself being lifted and laid
back on the table. Tom, who I now identified as the boyfriend,
told them to keep me busy and left the room. He went into the
kitchen and returned with a banana and a large cucumber. "I've
always wanted to see someone fuck themselves with these." He put
one in each of my hands and said, "Here try these out while we
watch." There were now two mouths on my tits sucking on my nipples
and a hand guided mine with the banana and positioned the end of it
at my cunt.
"Go on," Tom said. "Fuck yourself with the banana." Then using his
hand over mine he pressed the banana into me and guided my hand in
moving it in and out. In only moments my hips were responding to
the intruder and thrusting up to meet it as my hand shoved it in.
Tom's hand left me and then I was fucking myself with no help from
him. I could feel a climax building and he probably sensed it as
well because he grasped that hand and stilled it. Pulling on my
hand he pulled it out of me. My hips were still thrusting trying
to get back inside. Then he took my other hand and saying, "the
banana's wet enough, he guided my hand with the big cucumber to my
cunt and said now lets try this. I felt him push and now it was
spreading me wider and it was so thick, but I knew I wanted it so
I spread my legs further and then we pushed it in. About three
inches were sticking out and he clasped my fingers around it and
said "Now fuck yourself." I couldn't stop myself at that point I
wanted to be fucked. They could all hear my groans and grunts as
my hips jerked and my fingers pulled it in and out, fucking myself
furiously. While I was fucking the cucumber, I felt pressure
against my anus. "No, no," I mumbled, half delirious with lust,’ h) 0*0*0*’’ ’"Not there." Then I felt it slip in and someone was slowly fucking
my ass with the banana while I fucked myself on the cucumber. I
had never felt anything like this before and I was crying out that
I wanted it, "I waaaannnnt it." Then I came in a colossal
cummmingg such as I had never had before. My hips were slamming up
against the cucumber while my ass screwed back on the banana. Then
I heard Tom say, "OK guys that's enough for the show now let's have
some of that hot pussy." I have no clear recollection of the next
three hours, just that I was fucked and I sucked everyone there
numerous times. At one point I was lifted in the air and this huge
cock slid into my pussy and another big one pressed into my ass,
and while I hung there between them, my arms around the one in my
cunt, and I kissed him sucking on his tongue, I knew that I was
jerking my hips back and forth to get as much as I could of their
cocks inside me. It was about two in the afternoon when Paula came
back and helped me shower and get dressed and back in my car to
drive home before the kids returned from school
Even though I spent hours writing out what had happened and how I
had felt, I was still confused about what it all meant. What did
Gloria want? She had said that not only would she change my life,
and she had, but that I would be happier when she finished doing
whatever she had planned for me. That I could not understand. I was
obviously her new hobby, some kind of major work in progress that
she was very proud of, but why she would destroy my life, and
especially why me, was beyond my comprehension. When he got home,
Tom said that he and Mona had decided to go to dinner after the
show, and that they had a lot of fun. We exchanged meaningless
small talk for a couple of minutes, then he said he was tired and
he was going to bed. I was worried about just how Mona had tired
him out, but decided it would be best to keep quiet.
The next morning I was up in time to make breakfast for everyone,
and Tom acted like there was nothing wrong, he was even cheerful.
I kissed him good-bye and told him I would miss him, even though it
was only for a day. He said he would miss me too, and that he did
understand how important my friendship with Gloria was to me. He
said he was sorry for being mad on Sunday and that he would always
love me. After he left, I still had a warm glow inside while I
cleaned the house and got ready for the day. By noon I was dressed
and ready to leave, I had plenty of time to get to the printer's
and pick up our Chr
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